Friday, October 22, 2010

super me.

im now making a new move in order to celebrate the new year.
some closet n bags are about to be 'let go'.
all of them is taken care.
except for the bags above.
i missed her. my AD.
i have not been using her for 1 n half year,but at the end of 2009.
 it suit me well n i love wearing her very much.
though i have my victory days n fallen,she stayed with me.
 i brought her everywhere from the performing stage, back down to the grave, flea market places, meeting my erwan zafiq for the first time, hang out with mummy n soon back into my closet.
she got 1 smell i can never forget. n back again i dunt trust u anymore.
 i'll keep u close thru the door.


Nazira said...

hehe~!i miss 'her' too!

.HujanRintik2 said...

the same reason why i always love nazeera haha mwwaahhccxx!

Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?